欲少留此灵琐兮,日忽忽其将暮。 - 屈原《离骚》
欲少留此灵琐兮,日忽忽其将暮。 - 屈原《离骚》
若耶溪傍采莲女,笑隔荷花共人语。 - 李白《采莲曲》
A weekend getaway in upstate New York.
Who doesn't love cherry blossoms?
Imitation of 夏达's artwork. 夏达 is one of my favorite comic artists.
Imitation of 夏达's artwork.
周迅 -《如懿传》
Every Christmas, we go to Florida for the warm weather and family reunion.
Kevin in Canada!
Link from Zelda: Breath of the Wild (my favorite video game).
A portrait painting for my friend.
I used to have short hair when I was 19.